gvSIG Professional Services: productivity, efficiency and technological independence
We help our clients to implement, start production and get the best of the open source geomatics. We provide consultancy services focus on tailor-made solutions and support for large geomatics projects.
Software enhancements, adjustments, training, support ... we have a wide range of services we offer worldwide. Please, ask us and we will give you the best solution for your needs.
Here is a sample of clients who have trusted us.
CONAFOR (Comisión Nacional Forestal)
Mexico DF (Mexico) http://www.conafor.gob.mx/
New York University
New York (USA) http://www.nyu.edu/
IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency)
Viena (Austria) http://www.iaea.org/
PDVSA (Petróleos de Venezuela S.A.)
Caracas (Venezuela) http://www.pdvsa.com/

Ministerio de Transporte y Obras Públicas

INTA - Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria

Madrid (Spain) http://www.indracompany.com/
German Aerospace Center (DLR)
Colonia (Germany) http://www.dlr.de/
Rueil-Malmaison (France) http://www.beicip.com/
Joint Research Centre - JRC - European Commission
Ispra (Italy) http://ec.europa.eu/dgs/jrc/

Malteser International
Colonia (Germany) http://www.malteser-international.org/

Roma (Italy) http://www.fao.org/

Nairobi (Kenya) http://unhabitat.org/

Instituto Geográfico Nacional (IGN)
Madrid (Spagna) http://www.ign.es/

Instituto Geográfico de Venezuela Simón Bolívar (IGVSB)
Caracas (Venezuela) http://www.igvsb.gob.ve/